


My Top 10 Books of 2019

My Top 10 Books of 2019

NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE—Many years ago, when I was a young pastor, I heard someone say that if you want to think great thoughts, you must first read...

My Top Ten Books of 2018

My Top Ten Books of 2018

NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE—It’s that time of the year when I force myself to pick the Top 10 books that I’ve read in the past twelve months. Those of you...


Thoughts on Thirty-four Years

Thoughts on Thirty-four Years

NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE—Yesterday, Deborah and I celebrated our 34th wedding anniversary. A lot has happened since we were married on August 21, 1982....


Strengthen your leadership skills as you make disciples in your church, on your campus, and in your home.