Our Church Lost a Good Man This Week

Our Church Lost a Good Man This Week

On Tuesday, January 27, our church family lost a good man. And I lost a faithful friend. Joe Orosa was a pillar in our church—a mentor to many young and not-so-young businessmen and women. He was a living example of integrity, excellence, and hard work in the...
Our Church Lost a Good Man This Week

Tuesday Top 10 List – Books I’m Glad I Read in ’08

These are not necessarily the best books I read in ’08, just 10 books I’m glad I read in ’08—in random order. 1. Faith of Barack Obama by Stephen MansfieldPerspective. Did not change my vote, but it did help me understand the man and the issues. Stephen was gracious...
Our Church Lost a Good Man This Week

Sunday Sermon Preview – “Mary’s Christmas”

I’m preaching this weekend at Bethel Brentwood’s 8:15, 10:00, and 11:45 a.m. Sunday services. Final message in the “Mary’s Christmas” series. For three weeks we’ve looked at the birth of Christ through the eyes of Mary. See below: Week 1 – Luke 1:26–29 – “Life...
Our Church Lost a Good Man This Week

On Success in Life and Ministry

Every Nation Winter Conference Notes and Quotes (part 2) Three days in Jacksonville, Florida, with 180 American pastors, church planters, and campus missionaries. Great time of worship and fellowship. Here are some notes and quotes from day two on success in life and...
Our Church Lost a Good Man This Week

Who Are the VIPs at Your Church?

Looking at the “Reserved for Pastor” signs blocking the best slots in most church parking lots, I often wonder who the real VIPs are. Why do we treat “spiritual leaders” like rock stars? Jesus seemed to value lost people and young people—and placed little value on...
Leadership: Position or Ideas?

Leadership: Position or Ideas?

What makes a leader influential—his position or his ideas? Thomas Jefferson was a real smart guy with a white wig who believed that ideas are more influential than positions and titles. And he was kinda influential in early America. Here are some of his...