Upper Room Joy vs Frontline Sacrifice

Upper Room Joy vs Frontline Sacrifice

From Upper Room Joy to Frontline Sacrifice: 3 Essentials of Healthy Church Culture One of the most important, but elusive, tasks of church leadership is creating and maintaining a healthy church culture. What I call church culture, some people call environment,...
Upper Room Joy vs Frontline Sacrifice

When Leaders Refuse to Lead

I’m now in the Atlanta airport changing planes after two weeks in South Africa. On the Joburg to Atlanta leg, I read the book of Numbers. Here are two leadership lessons from chapter 13, but first the story. . . God told Moses to “send some men to explore the land of...
Upper Room Joy vs Frontline Sacrifice

4 Next Generation Leadership Tips

Moses was one of the strongest leaders ever, but occasionally the leadership burden got to him. At one particularly low moment, he said to God, “I cannot carry all these people by myself; the burden is too heavy for me” (Numbers 11:14). Moses discovered that doing...
Upper Room Joy vs Frontline Sacrifice

10 Things You Must Know to Succeed in Ministry

I landed in Manila less than 48 hours ago, and as usual, I hit the ground running. Today, despite the jet lag coma, I taught six sessions at our ministry school. My students included future campus missionaries, future youth pastors, and future kids ministers. I love...
Upper Room Joy vs Frontline Sacrifice

Creativity and Relevance Are Way Overrated

A few days ago I tweeted the following: Creativity and relevance are way overrated. If you want a healthy church you might want to try consistency and reliability. That one got multiple re-tweets, upping my weekly re-tweet average from one to two. For those unfamiliar...