Costly Grace by Jon Walker

Costly Grace by Jon Walker

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German theologian during the time of Hitler, wrote The Cost of Discipleship, a wildly influential book on the cost of grace and discipleship and how important that is in our walk with Christ. In Costly Grace, Jon Walker retells this Christian...
Pleasing God: The Greatest Joy and Highest Honor by R. T. Kendall

Pleasing God: The Greatest Joy and Highest Honor by R. T. Kendall

I try to read at least one of Dr. Kendall’s books every year. (Since he has sixty published books, there are plenty available.) Pleasing God will deepen your faith, deal with your motives, and focus your passions. View book here → Some may wish that God exists merely...
Finish the Mission by John Piper & David Mathis

Finish the Mission by John Piper & David Mathis

This book highlights the importance of the gospel and missions. I encourage you to give this a read to help you lead missionally. View book here → The goal of missions is the worldwide worship of the God-man by his redeemed people from every tribe, tongue, and...