More thoughts from our Church Planters Boot Camp. . .

Some church plants succeed.
Others fail.

Here are some reasons new church plants succeed:

1. Above Average Leadership. Some leadership guru said: “everything rises and falls on leadership.” If you are not an above average leader, you can be. Find a mentor or a coach, and you will become a better leader.

2. God’s Blessing. Church planting is spiritual business and therefore requires supernatural power in order to succeed. That’s why you have to pray. And believe.

3. Good Plan. Supernatural power and strategic planning are not mutually exclusive. Successful church plants require both. Again, if you are not a strategic thinker, find a mentor or a coach and start learning.

4. First In. Location, location, location. One simple key to church planting success is to get there before everyone else. The first church plant in a community has a better chance of success than the 100th.

5. Healthy Launch. Some of my smart expert friends say that a good launch is 80% of the reason for the success of a new church plant. How you start predicts your future. So, if you did not start right, find a mentor or a coach and consider a re-launch.