Sitting in Tokyo airport, about to change planes on my way from Manila to Nashville, and I’m thinking about Joel Osteen, his message, and his critics . . . and his Dad.

I’m not a big fan of Christian TV, and I have never read a Joel Osteen book, but I did watch ten minutes of Bro Joel last night in Manila as I was packing for an early flight to Nashville. He was preaching to thousands in a huge baseball stadium. I know it is easy for preachers, pastors, bloggers, and self-appointed theological watchdogs to criticize Joel for his comments about Mitt Romney”s Mormonism and other not-quite-orthodox statements, but that is not what this blog is about. I want to tell you what I like about the man and what we can all learn from him.

Last night was the fourth or fifth time I have watched a portion of a Joel Osteen sermon. Every time I have heard Joel preach on TV, at some point he mentions his dad, the late John Osteen. He not only mentions his dad, he honors his dad. I don’t know if he honors his dad in every sermon he ever preaches, but he has honored his dad in every sermon I have heard him preach.

And that’s what I like about Joel. He always honors his dad. Maybe that is why it seems to go well with Joel, and maybe that is why Every Day is a Friday for Joel and Victoria.

“Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— “that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.” – Ephesians 6:2