I am often asked by pastors, church planters and missionaries: “What should I look for in potential leaders?” Simple. The starting line for potential leaders is HUNGER and HUMILITY.
HUNGER. Spiritual hunger. I’m not interested in someone who is spiritually fat and overfed, but someone who is hungry for more, hungry to learn.
HUMILITY. I can’t teach someone who already knows it all. I can’t mentor an expert. Potential leaders know they need to know more. The best leaders are learners, not experts. Humility is a non-negotiable leadership foundation.
It does not matter how gifted, connected, or credentialed a person is, if he is not hungry and humble, he is not a potential leader.
Bonus leadership thought from Twitter: LEADERSHIP. Need more leaders? You already have them. You simply need to equip and empower them—then validate and celebrate them.