The questions change, but the answer is always the same.
Q: What about the Republican’s energy policy?
A: We don’t need four more years of the same.
Q: What do you think about Sarah Palin?
A: Four more years of the same Bush-Chaney policies.
Q: What about McCain’s plan to solve the Wall Street meltdown?
A: McCain offers four more years just like the past eight.
Q: What do you think about Brett Favre playing for the Jets?
A: We need change, not four more years of the same.
I have been really impressed with the way the Dems stay on message. No matter who the audience, no matter what the question, no matter who is being interviewed—the answer is always the same.
Pastors and ministry leaders could borrow a page from the Dem’s playbook, and not be afraid to repeat the same message (the vision and values) over and over.
Obviously, Jesus is the answer to the question. But on a leadership level, we need to constantly communicate our mission, vision, and values.
Here’s what the same message looks like at my church, Victory Manila:
Q: How did your church get so big?
A: All we ever wanted to do was honor God and make disciples.
Q: How do you honor God and make disciples?
A: We ENGAGE our community and culture; we ESTABLISH spiritual foundations; we EQUIP all members to minister; we EMPOWER all disciples to make disciples.
Q: Why do you have so many quality leaders?
A: Because we live to honor God and make disciples.
Q: How did you do that?
A: By ENGAGING our community, ESTABLISHING foundations, EQUIPPING ministers, and EMPOWERING disciples.
Q: Why has your church had such an impact on the entertainment industry and in the business world and on the campuses?
A: Because we honored God and made disciples.
Q: What does that mean in the entertainment industry, the business world, and on the campus?
A: It means we ENGAGE the entertainment industry and the business world and the campus. It means we ESTABLISH spiritual foundations. It means we EQUIP entertainers, business people, and students to minister. It means we EMPOWER business leaders, entertainers, and students to make disciples.
I don’t know what this looks like in your church, but pastors need to constantly repeat the same vision over and over, because vision leaks.
(I am Steve Murrell, and I approve of this blog.)