I attended Emanuele Cannistraci’s annual “International Apostolic Summit”—thirty “apostles and prophets” from all over the world sat around a big square table having a “round-table” discussion about this question: “What is God saying to the church in 2008?”
There were many good and interesting answers to that question. Here’s my summary:
“Be a disciple. Make disciples.”
And, what is a disciple? Someone who carries a cross, follows Jesus, goes into all the world, and helps others follow Jesus.
Besides re-connecting with long-time friends Emanuele & Shirley Cannistraci and Mel & Heather Mullen, I especially enjoyed listening to. . .
— Jay Swallow – Native American leader. Cheyenne tribe. He told amazing stories about God moving among the Indian tribes he has served for thirty-seven years.
— Hormoz Shariat – Iranian-born former Muslim. Now a pastor in San Jose with satellite TV ministry focusing on the Middle East, especially Iran. Over 800,000 Iranians have come to Christ through his broadcasts in the past few years. Wow!
— Bill Hamon – Prophetic pioneer. As always, Bishop Bill presented rhyming alliterated prophetic insight for leaders. I don’t always agree, but I always appreciate his faith, energy, sincerity and graciousness.
Here’s a good summit quote from Emanuele C:
“I travel all over the world and I don’t find many happy pastors and ministers, and I’m asking God why. After sixty years in ministry, I’m still happy. I still love the Lord. I still love the church. I still love the ministry.”
I hope to be able to say that when I’ve been in ministry for sixty years.
***New accidental missionary blog: “Why I Will Not Vote for Obama or Hillary“