This is the long-ago promised continuation of this blog about what an Every Nation church is supposed to look like. (I’ve been traveling way too much lately—so my blogging has been less than consistent.)
Here’s my best description of why Every Nation Churches and Ministries exists:
To honor God and establish
Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, Socially Responsible
Churches and Campus ministries
In Every Nation
What is a Christ-centered church and campus ministry?
It seems absurd to have to say that we are trying to build Christ-centered churches and campus ministries. Of course a church should be Christ-centered. However, it is unfortunately common for churches and ministries to be centered on almost everything but Christ.
I have seen churches that are preacher-centered, personality-centered, doctrine-centered, worship style-centered, spiritual gift-centered, prophet-centered, profit-centered, vision-centered, building-centered, political agenda-centered. . .
Many mega-churches in my city (Manila) are known, not by the church name, but by the name of their bigger-than-life mega-leader—Brother Bill’s church, Pastor Peter’s church, Dr Dan’s church.
Here’s what Paul said about this idea of being Christ-centered:
He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. And He is the head of the body, the church; He is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything He might have the supremacy. (Colossians 1:17,18)
Ultimately we exist to honor God and point people to Christ, not for any man, doctrine, or experience to take center stage.