The week before Christmas, Rice Broocks dragged me to one of those citywide pastors meetings that I rarely attend, because most are a waste of time.
Not this one. Glad I went.
This was a gathering of Pentecostals, Charismatics, and Baptists at the Life Way building in downtown Nashville. (Life Way is like a Southern Baptist Vatican, complete with a massive statue of Billy Graham in front.)
When I arrived, I realized this was not just a citywide thing, but a nationwide call for the church in America to WAKE UP.
The meeting was led by Billy Wilson, former head of the Church of God of Prophecy denomination and the driving force behind the Azuza Street Centennial. Billy now runs the Center for Spiritual Renewal, which is calling for America to wake up.
I was shocked when Billy said that:
– only 9% of America goes to a Bible-based Pentecostal, Charismatic, or Evangelical church on the average Sunday
– only 17% of America goes to any type of church on the average Sunday
– church attendance as a percentage of population is in decline in EVERY county in EVERY state in America (except for a few counties in Hawaii—go Norman!)
Billy and his friends are trying to get America’s spiritual leaders to wake up. Here are some who have joined Billy’s Awakening America Alliance:
General Council of the Assemblies of God
Aglow International – Jane Hansen
Bethany World Prayer Center – Larry Stockstill
Charisma Magazine – Lee Grady
Christ for the Nations
Church of God of Prophecy
Eagle’s Wings – Robert Stearns
Every Home for Christ – Dick Eastman
The Foursquare Church – Jack Hayford
Global Advance – David Shibley
Harvest Evangelism – Ed Silvoso
Moody Broadcasting
Open Bible Churches
Teen Mania – Ron Luce
The Call – Lou Engle
Tommy Barnett Ministries
U.S. Prayer Center
Wellington Boone Ministries
Youth with a Mission – John Dawson
I added Every Nation to the list because I want to stay awake, and I want to help America’s spiritual leaders stay awake.