As I mentioned last week, my brother, David, is hosting a family from the New Orleans area who lost everything in the hurricane and flood. He is keeping them in the Murrell family lake-house near Canton, Mississippi. Here is the latest from David.

“Great news, our pastor announced today that our church will pay the tuition for the two boys to attend Canton Academy. The family staying at our farm can’t believe the generosity from our church. The father was speechless when I told him; he just shook his head and couldn’t even talk. Finally he said, “you just don’t know how much this means to us.”

Our preacher came to the pulpit today to start his sermon, but couldn’t speak, instead he started crying. He pointed to the back pew in the corner and said, “all our prayers, donations and help is going directly to families just like them.”

The family on the back row is staying in the church shelter. They are a black family, husband and wife with two young children. They arrived to church late and as they were finding a seat the preacher saw them and broke down, when he saw church members hugging and embracing this family. No one knew these people 7 days ago, and now, regardless of color or economic status, they are reaching out to them. I think this experience will change a lot of peoples lives. Four of the six family members staying at our farm came to church today, one said he hadn’t been in a long time but just felt he needed to go. I am so proud of this congregation, the Lord is working through us.”