I would rather people tell me they are impressed with my awesomeness than tell me I’m wrong.
I like to be right, especially when I’m not.
But, leaders are often wrong—probably more often than non-leaders—simply because the nature of leading creates endless opportunities to be wrong.
If you want to make sure people never tell you that you are wrong, then avoid decision-making and risk-taking.
But Moses was a decision-making risk-taking kind of guy. In other words, he was a leader.
“Moses’ father-in-law (Jethro) replied, ‘WHAT YOU ARE DOING IS NOT GOOD.’” (Exodus 18:17)
All leaders—especially young leaders with a huge following—need a Jethro, someone older and wiser who is not impressed with numbers and who will speak truth, especially truth we don’t want to hear. While I don’t enjoy it when my Jethros burst my bubble with painful truth, I am nevertheless thankful for friends who boldly speak the truth in love.
Suggestion: if you are a leader, it might be a good idea to find an old dude who will tell you what you don’t want to hear.