American Thanksgiving. Turkey Day. National Day of Gluttony.

Here’s my ’08 THX list:

10. My stuff. Shallow, yes. Nevertheless, I’m thankful for my MNL apt, my Nash home, my MacBook Air, my iPhone, my Kobold, my (future) FatBob, and lots of other stuff that is ultimately worthless and meaningless.

9. Scholarships. Athletic, academic, state lottery money—every little bit helps, and I am thankful for every dollar.

8. Real Life Foundation and Youth Life Learning Centers. I am thankful to have compassion ministries to partner with to help the poor.

7. My job. I get to work with some of the best people on the planet. I love my job(s)!

6. My church in the USA – Bethel.

5. My church in the Philippines – Victory.

4. My friends. Filipinos, Americans, Canadians, Chinese, Iranians, Burmese, Africans, Latinos.

3. My calling. You think Jack Bauer’s 24 is exciting—it’s nothing compared to my 24 (years in the Philippines).

2. My family. Deborah. William, James, Jonathan. The best wife and sons in the history of humanity. It’s not fair that I get to do life with them for the rest of my life. As Nacho said, “My life is gooood. Real good.”

1. The free gift of eternal life. “This is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” (John 17:3) My life is good because my God is good.

What are you thankful for?