Because I want my blog to be a bastion of truth, justice, and the American way, I hate it when I find out that I posted something that turns out not to be entirely true. No harm intended, but I wrongly stated that my friend Michael celebrates the 4th of July by sipping Earl Gray tea. Turns out that statement was not exactly the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I received an email from Michael this morning with the actual facts. Here it is:
“I enjoyed reading your blog! The only slight corrections are that I sipped Harrods English Breakfast Tea (Number 14), not Earl Grey. And as well as watching Wimbledon, I enjoyed watching Germany being crushed by Italy in the World Cup Semi Finals!”
I’m glad Michael was able to set the record straight on that one. I should have known that no self-respecting Englishman would sip Earl Grey while watching the Wimbledon quarters. Everyone knows that Harrods English Breakfast tea (#14) is the Queen’s choice for teatime at Wimbledon.
During our staff prayer this morning I asked Michael what happened to “Great Britain” in World Cup. He rolled his eyes and explained to all of us the difference between England and Britain. I already knew, but I just couldn’t resist.