I am speaking tomorrow at the Every Nation School of Campus Ministry in Manila. So much to say, but I finally narrowed it down to the 10 things you must know in order to succeed in campus ministry long term. Here they are:
1. You must know that God loves you and accepts you because of who he is and what he did for you, not because of who you are and what you do for him.
2. You must know that God called you to do campus ministry, no matter what other opportunities are offered.
3. You must know that God will provide.
4. You must know that the gospel is the power of God for salvation, otherwise, you will resort to all kinds of goofy & powerless ministry gimmicks designed to attract people to meetings.
5. You must know how to forgive. The longer you do ministry, the more opportunities you will have to practice this one.
6. Because you will face endless needs and countless open doors, you must know how and when to say NO. Knowing what not to do is as important as knowing what to do. Focus is necessary for success.
7. You must know how to ENGAGE your culture and community. You had to know that one was coming and the next three also. . .
8. You must know how to ESTABLISH biblical foundations, or your disciples will be temporary.
9. You must know how to EQUIP believers to minister, or you will end up doing all the ministry, resulting in either burnout or very little fruit.
10. You must know how to EMPOWER disciples to make disciples because that is the whole point of being a campus missionary.
In summary: honor God and make disciples.