I’m preaching this weekend at Bethel Brentwood’s 8:15, 10:00, and 11:45 a.m. Sunday services. Final message in the “Mary’s Christmas” series. For three weeks we’ve looked at the birth of Christ through the eyes of Mary. See below:

Week 1 – Luke 1:26–29 – “Life Interrupted” – me
Week 2 – Luke 1:30–33 – “Favor Ain’t Fair” – James Lowe
Week 3 – Luke 1:34–38 – “Let It Be” – Rice Broocks
Week 4 – Luke 2:8–16 – “Good News!” – me

Here’s a sneak preview of week 4. . .

– Pre-sermon song – Bethel choir singing the soon-to-be Christmas classic, A Baby Changes Everything. . .

(Song is all about faith in Jesus. Vid is all about Faith Hill)

– After that song, the message will start with this story. . .

– Sometimes we hear everything at church, except THE GOOD NEWS.
We end up hearing about moral standards, purpose, destiny, relationships, theology, politics, Bible characters, but unfortunately, we rarely hear the gospel.

– Sometimes it is hard to hear the GOOD NEWS, because of so many other good messages.
Church people can get distracted by lots of good stuff like helping the poor, justice issues, life groups, Bible studies, prayer meetings, choir practice, community service. . . We can get so involved in church stuff, that we don’t have time for God. The goal is a Christ-centered life, not a church-centered life.

– Sometimes GOOD NEWS is not what we expected.
For many years, the Jews were expecting good news of a powerful and glorious Messiah who would deliver them from Roman oppression. Instead, they found an unimpressive, insignificant, uneducated poor family in a podunk town. No might. No money. No power. No position. No glory. Not exactly what they thought of as good news.

– Sometimes GOOD NEWS does not look impressive.
When they went to see their new king, they found a baby. They figured a king would be in a palace, but he was in a barn. They imagined royalty; they found poverty. Not the kind of good news their grandparents told them about.

– Sometimes the GOOD NEWS takes a long time.
It would be 30 years before that baby even remotely resembled a Messiah, and even then they were disappointed. God might answer right now, and we might not realize he answered until many years later. That is hard for people like us who are used to drive through miracles and microwave faith.

Lots more to say, but you cannot bear it now. Hope to see you Sunday. Pray for me as I attempt to pinpoint exactly what I need to say and what not to say Sunday.

***same post on accidental missionary site today***