Sunday AM. Up early again. Jet lag. Been working on my sermon for a few hours. . .
This blog started me thinking that something might be wrong in the Church when we. . .
– are more passionate about a political party, than about the Church
– boldly tell our neighbors about our candidate, but don’t tell them about our Savior
– joyfully give money to a political campaign, but don’t tithe or give to missions
– pray for our candidate’s victory, but not for our neighbor’s salvation
– transfer our trust from God’s word to a political system.
Yea, something is wrong when we put our hope in the messianic promises of candidates. It’s called idolatry, and folly.
There’s been a lot of passion and excitement during this campaign season. I would love to see that kind of passion about the kingdom of God—about things that are more eternal than temporary.