Discipleship & the Power of God
Church: Trinity Dallas
Christ Formed in You
Church: Pearlside
That’s Not Fair
Church: Victory
Healing the Paralyzed Man
Church: Victory
Harvest Now
North American ENC Staff Summit
Freedom to Fail
Build Southern Africa
Relational Discipleship
Church: Victory
Who Do You Listen To?
Church: Grace Covenant Church
Flying Horses & Transformational Discipleship
Church: Bethel World Outreach Church
The Cost of Sowing
Pastor Steve Murrell, president and cofounder of...
The Reason For Living
Church: Pearlside
Perfect Mediator
Church: Victory
Praying and Fasting
Church: Pearlside
The Supremacy of Christ
Church: Victory
The Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard
Church: Victory
“Life Is Not Fair”
Church: Pearlside
Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
Church: Victory
Shared Life
Church: Victory
A Different Spirit
Church: Every Nation London
The Spirit-Empowered Life
Church: Victory
Discipleship 2018: Establish Biblical Foundations
Discipleship 2017: Engage
You are the Salt of the Earth by Pastor Steve...
Go 2019
On the final night of Go 2019, Steve Murrell...
Easter Sunday
Happy Resurrection Sunday! Every Nation...
Build Remix2020 On-line Conference
Faith to Stay
Church: Victory
The Blessing of Unanswered Prayer
Church: Pearlside
The Myth of Maturity
Walk with God
Church: Pearlside
Empower Immediately
Pastor Steve uses the story of the Apostle Paul...
Strengthen your leadership skills as you make disciples in your church, on your campus, and in your home.