It took 177 years to build the 190-foot bell tower next to Pisa’s cathedral. It was supposed to be a vertical tower, but one year into the construction, in 1178, it was obvious something was wrong. That’s when the Tower of Pisa, started becoming
the Leaning Tower of Pisa. 

Why? Hastily built shallow (3-meter) foundations on weak unstable soil.

By 1988 the tower was leaning so much that it was closed to tourists for fear that it would topple. It was reopened 10 years and 27 million dollars later. Now permanently anchored with a 13.5 foot lean, the tourists are back. 

Too many Christians are like that tower. Because of shallow and weak foundations, they start leaning towards collapse as soon as they emerge from the baptism tank. Some are leaning so far that the smallest temptation will send them crashing to the ground.

It should not be like this.

Here’s what Jesus said about the importance of spiritual foundations:

Everyone who hears these words on mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.      (Matthew 7:24,25)

I’m preaching part 4 of Bethel’s “Make One” discipleship series, this Sunday @ Bethel Spanish seventh anniversary in Nash. 

Bethel’s “Make One” Series:
Week 1 – Pray & Ask
Week 2 – Go & Look
Week 3 – Show & Tell
Week 4 – Establish Foundations