Japanese professional baseball—there’s nothing like it. And there are no fans like the Japanese fans, complete with mascots, team cheers, and stadium sing-a-longs. No passively cool fans here. Japanese fans are enthusiasm on caffeine—to the tenth power. Yea, I think the Japanese love their baseball teams.

While we were in strategic church-plant planning meetings last night, my son and his Japanese friends went to the Yokohama Bay Stars vs. the Yomiuri Giants baseball game. (FYI—the Giants are the Yankees of Japanese baseball—the most loved and the most hated team with the most wins in history.) I hated to miss it, but we were kinda busy changing the world—one church plant at a time.

Anyway, the game was tied, 1-1, until the fifth inning. Then it was over—not quite finished, but over—even though it still had four innings to go. Many Bay Star fans left before the last inning because they could predict the outcome.

Game over. Finished. Final score: 10-1. Bay Stars lost—again.

The visiting Giants fans left the Yokohama Stadium with fist-pumping confidence, smack-talking smiles, and a bounce in their step.

The Bay Star fans just left. Early. As soon as they sensed it was finished. No enthusiasm. No shouts of joy. No smack. No smiles.

What does this have to do with Easter?

John 19:28 – Knowing that everything had now been finished. . .

John 19:30 – Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that He bowed his head and gave up his spirit.”


Game over. We win. How should we act now?

I am preaching at Yokohama Grace Bible Church Easter Sunday about what Jesus finished for us on the cross 2,000 years ago and how that should affect our lives Monday through Saturday, not just on Sunday.

Same old message—The Cross.
Nothing new.
Nothing more important.
Nothing more powerful.

It is finished, but I’m not (finished preparing. . .)