Before my sermon preview, let me explain how our team came up with the “1 Life to Live” series.
About six months ago, I stumbled across Kerry Shook’s “1 Month to Live” book. One look at Kerry’s hairdo and our Manila pastors were hooked.
But after some discussion, we decided that a series about dying in a month would keep Filipinos at home by the thousands. Since our goal was to get them out of the home and to our church, we decided we better contextualize Kerry’s ideas (that worked in a wealthy Houston, TX suburb) to fit our culture and our church’s mission and values.
We decided that a series about maximizing life would be more attractive to Filipinos than a series about dying in a month, so we threw Kerry’s great idea into our contextualization machine, and out popped the “1 Life to Live” series. . .
1 Life to Live – How to Make Every Moment Count
Week 1 – Live Wisely
Week 2 – Love Unconditionally
Week 3 – Learn Humbly
Week 4 – Leave a Legacy
(podcast of 1 Life to Live messages here)
Here’s my week 3, “Learn Humbly” sermon preview. . .
In the 49 years of my “1 Life to Live,” I have learned—sometimes humbly, often reluctantly—from the following:
– my parents
– my friends
– my TV
– my pastor
– my wife
– my sons
– my mistakes
– my books
– my Bible
Some of these teachers helped, some hurt.
Some made my life better, some made it worse.
What does the Bible say about learning humbly?
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
(Matthew 11:28–30)
If our learning process does not result in an easy yoke, a light burden, and rest for our souls—then maybe we are coming to a pastor, a
church, a religious experience, a doctrine—and not to Jesus.
There is a big difference between coming to church and coming to Jesus.
This Sunday at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. at Victory Fort, I will talk about what it means to come to Jesus, to humbly learn from Jesus, to live life with a light burden and an easy yoke, to find rest for our souls.