I originally shot and posted this short video about eighteen months ago. However, in a modern culture that is more obsessed with fame and celebrity than ever before, I decided to post it again.

Earlier this year, I deleted every social media app on my phone because I felt they were distracting me from the relationships and the mission that God has called me to. Four months without social media, and I think I’m a better, more focused preacher, leader, husband, father, and grandfather. (The Every Nation Communications department continues to post on my platforms in my absence.)

I am concerned about spiritual leaders who sometimes seem more focused on cultivating platforms than making disciples. Yes, it is possible to do both, but one is intentionally addictive while the other requires intentional discipline.

Whenever Jesus ministered to people, his fame spread. He couldn’t stop it. But he controlled how he responded to fame and notoriety. Whenever fame followed him, he ran. First to the Father in prayer; then to close friends. Here’s how we can apply this wisdom from the life and ministry of Jesus:

  1. Stop caring about the size and response of your audience.
  2. Start investing in your private life more than your public life.
  3. Go deep with God and a few close friends.