I keep hearing people talk about the “coming revival” which will be the “greatest revival in the history of revivals”—the BIG ONE.

Nothing new—I’ve been hearing this for at least twenty-five years. Seems we are always on the verge of “the greatest move of God ever” or a huge “End Time” harvest. 
I hope they are right, and the world is about to experience a massive spiritual awakening.
But, revival or not, we’re still supposed to make disciples. History has proven that if we have revival and neglect discipleship, the fruit of the revival will not last.
I suggest that while we wait for the BIG ONE, we get busy making disciples by engaging culture, establishing biblical foundations, equipping believers to minister, and empowering disciples to make disciples. 

But, that’s just me. What do you think?

NOTE: Day 1 of our annual Every Nation week of prayer, fasting, and consecration. So far, so good.