While I enjoy the songs we sing at our Sunday morning worship services, real worship is more than music in a church building on Sunday.

Real worship also takes place at our offices, in our homes, and on our campuses, with or without music, every day of the week. Real worship starts with giving our lives fully to God as living sacrifices. More than songs we sing on Sunday, real worship is about how we live our lives every day of the week.

Consider Paul’s definition of spiritual worship to the Romans:

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship. (Romans 12:1)

It is easy today to substitute good music for real worship. We think that quality musicians and singers automatically equal quality worship at our church.

I have experienced great worship in churches with pitiful sound systems, out of tune guitars and tone-deaf singers. The key is not a good sound, but a good heart. I have also experienced Sunday morning concerts and performances masquerading as worship.

I am not making a case for bad music here. I believe in excellence.

The point is simply this: living all of life for the glory of God is the heart of real worship. Next time you participate in a worship service start by offering your body as a living sacrifice.