Saturday. We experienced “the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat” on adjacent tennis courts as we watched James and Jonathan play in the semi-finals of a national tournament.

Went home to cool off and study for Sunday’s message entitled “Get Shorty” (Zacchaeus’ story in Luke 19:1–10). This follows last week’s message, “Nic at Nite” (Nicodemus’ story in John 3:1–15). Our Manila pastors are in the middle of a series called “Encounters with Jesus.”

Sunday. Preached the 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. services, prayed for a few people, then rushed to the trophy ceremony, to take photos of Jonathan who upset the #1 seed to win the U16 tournament. Preached the 5:00 p.m. service. Had Jonathan’s victory dinner and dessert at the restaurant of his choice with friends.

Monday. Day off. Slept late. Lunch date with Deborah at our favorite neighborhood café, then to the mall to get tennis tournament pictures printed.

Evening wedding. The newly weds, Bong and Jing, are two of our long-time campus ministers in the U-Belt. Looking around during the reception, I silently thanked God for allowing me to work with some of the finest people anywhere in the world.

FYI, that’s my life for the past few days in Manila.