January 1, 2010. A new day. A new year. A new decade.
Yesterday, as I was transferring some info from last year’s journal to my new 2010 journal, I found the following written on page one of my 2009 journal:
“2009 GOALS”
Since I rarely set goals—maybe twice in my life—I thought I should re-read my 2009 goals to see how I did. Here they are:
1. HONOR GOD – every day, every decision, every relationship
2. MAKE DISCIPLES – at home, at church, at work
3. READ THE WHOLE BIBLE – Genesis through Revelation
(Confession: I’m sure I didn’t totally accomplish #1 or #2, and I didn’t finish all of Isaiah in ’09, so I guess I failed all 3. But, I’m probably a better person for trying.)
Inspired by this newly discovered document—’09 goals—I decided to set goals for 2010. Me setting goals two consecutive years is a personal record.
Here they are, my 2010 goals:
1. HONOR GOD – every day, every decision, every relationship
2. MAKE DISCIPLES – at home, at church, at work
3. READ THE WHOLE BIBLE – Genesis through Revelation
What are your 2010 goals?