Most churches are small. Here are the facts:

– Of the 380,000 churches in America, only 1,500 are mega-churches (larger than 2,500).
– Most of these mega-churches are in six major metro areas, with Dallas and Atlanta topping the list.
– 90% of churches in the world are 200 or smaller.
– 98% of Filipino churches are under 300.
– Most churches that stop growing at 75 never reach another lost person, ever.

I am often asked if I think all churches can/should be big.
Depends on what “big” means.
300 is big in Japan, not in Manila
100 is big in Bangladesh, not in Nashville
50 is big in Laos, not in Korea
15 is big in Afghanistan, not in Nigeria

No, I don’t think all churches should/can be big. But I do think all churches can and should be BIGGER than they are right now. 

As long as there is 1 unsaved person in your family, in your neighborhood, on your campus, in your office, in your city, then your church is not big enough and it needs to be bigger.

Big? Not necessarily.
Bigger? Absolutely!

Maybe we can’t all be big, but we can all be bigger. And we should all want to be bigger. We should all occasionally leave the 99 and go after the lost 1. Too many churches function as if the 99 are more important than the lost 1.

Warning: controversial statement coming. . .
Jesus seemed to put evangelism, not worship, at the top of the spiritual priority pile.

I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents (that sounds like EVANGELISM) than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent (that sounds like a CHURCH MEETING). Luke 15:7

Wanna make heaven happy? Wanna please God? How about occasionally skipping the non-stop 24/7 worship/prayer/revival meetings that only involve the “99” and instead, engage your community and culture so you can find “1” who is not currently a “99” and introduce the “1” to Christ.

That should ruffle some feathers.