While reading Acts 8 this morning, I read something I wish modern preachers would say more often.
The story revolves around three characters:
– a sorcerer who “boasted he was someone great”
– nickname: “the Great Power of God” (probably nicknamed himself)
– had his own little cult following
– deacon-turned-evangelist
– preached the gospel in Samaria
– baptized a bunch of Simon’s followers
– baptized Simon
– apostle sent to Samaria to establish foundations
– lays hands on people and they are filled with the Holy Spirit
Here’s what happened next:
Simon is so impressed with the power of the Holy Spirit that he offers money to Peter to buy the anointing and the presence of the Holy Spirit.
You gotta love Peter’s response:
“MAY YOUR MONEY PERISH WITH YOU, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money. You have no part or share in this ministry because YOUR HEART IS NOT RIGHT BEFORE GOD. (Acts 8:20,21)
Peter didn’t care about the guy’s MONEY. His only concern was his HEART condition. And he was not about to let a guy with an evil heart be part of his ministry, no matter how much money he was willing to give. Peter had one simple message for Simon: REPENT.
Here’s the modern response to similar situations:
“If you send me your best free-will mandatory love gift, I will send you our special gift offer of the month, and you will instantly have the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. But you have to call now. All major credit cards are accepted. . .”
My conclusion:
I have a feeling that if preachers will be more concerned about people’s hearts than their money, then God will provide all the money the ministry needs.
What do you think?