Imagine LOSING EVERYTHING YOU OWN—clothes, furniture, photos, electronics. . . EVERYTHING. That’s what happened to thousands of Filipinos this weekend, including some of my friends and some of our Victory pastors.

Rather than trying to write my own thoughts, I’m re-posting Marie Bonifacio‘s account of the flood. I fly to Manila tomorrow. Will post my own thoughts after I get there and see for myself.

Sometimes, some sadness is so sad it has to be shared. So I hope you don’t mind if I give you an update of what’s been happening. We’ve gone through coups, trials both national and personal but this typhoon so far, takes the cake.I guess it’s also the spread of the damage and the number of people we personally know that’s been affected. . .

1) Nelle Nguyen: We had no contact since Saturday but a team with Joseph B., Chrysso and others were able to reach her home this afternoon Sept 28 Mon. Hugh is in the US as well as Timmy so it was Nelle here and the younger ones with the helper/s. Floodwaters had entered the house. Waters have receded so she’s in the process of cleaning her belongings. Team came just in time to bring her some food packs. Will find out tomorrow what else can be done (ex. help with house cleaning, cell phone etc.)

2) Victory Fort Pastors Jeff Eliscupidez and Junjin Gepilano families: Both Pastor were at the Fort Saturday when rains came. They were unable to reach their families til the ff day( Sun am). The Gepilanos live in Moonwalk. Wendy (Junjin’s wife) said the waters INSIDE the house reached waist level. It rose so suddenly, so her dilemma was how to get her 3 kids out (2 young girls and 1 young son who’s a special child).  By the time they got out the gate, the muddy waters had reached chest level (adult!). She and 2 helpers grabbed one child each and inched their way grasping from one gate to the side of the walls. Wendy was holding on to her son. Unfortunately, because of his condition, he thought the flood was one big swimming pool and broke free and dove! He sank down and was carried by the current. (Believe it or not flood waters are strong!) Thank God, a Barangay tanod guy grabbed him downstream! Junjin said when he heard his son almost drowned, his heart turned. Never mind if he lost everything, house appliances, car, clothes, furniture, pics, etc. . . . he was just so grateful to have his family all safe.  All they had were the wet clothes on their back. The flood water was so strong, it actually detached the cabinets that were built in to the walls! Right now they are camping out in a sister’s house (Junjin’s sister). Up to now, Wendy cannot bear to even visit her home despite offers to help clean it. Junjin still goes to the Fort as he still helps to deploy people out.

Jeff’s family also had water fill their home. His wife called to say they had waded out to a school that had been used as an evacuation center. It was so difficult for him to hear all this via cellphone while he was stuck at the fort helpless because SLEX road was
IMPASSABLE that Saturday. People actually whose cars were on top of the SLEX even had to climb up out of the cars since the waters were so high. Some were plucked out by trucks that were also stuck in traffic. It became more frustrating when his wife cell phone died and hence no more communication from evening til morning. As of today, Monday, we’re still waiting to hear word from him and his family of how they are.

There are also stories from Cleve & Joan de la Calzada, Jun & Maru Besana, (Victory-Pasig church, water went past stage
level), etc. etc. We are also still trying to find out how Arnie & Janet are. To think these are just the pastors.

Then there are the countless church members and staff. . . Edwin Navarro’s mom (same story, Edwin picked her up today but had to walk to her house as road was too muddy). He relocate them to Novaliches. Edwin was so grateful for the clean clothes and packs he was able to bring cause everything his mom and sister owned was so muddy even the lavandera they got to help surrendered! All coated with mud even underwear.

There’s also Culbert *Geraldine (house and office affected), Carol & Vince ( waters entered house, van, factory). I’m even trying to find some of my Poveda friends still incommunicado til today.

On a personal note, do also pray for our safety. David’s been able to finnagle a Fire Truck so they’ve been going out distributing food packs day & night. Last nite someone threw a rock in their window. Joseph too has been out on the field. Joshua’s been helping Joey with his website and Josh will be heading out tomorrow.  Oh pray for my hubby.

But when morning comes and we see the volunteers and their cheery faces, oh how our burdens lift!!! (Even tho at times having so many people asking what to do is (as someone described it) like your kids asking Mom can I help you cook dinner? You love it but it sure takes a lot of supervision too) ; >I know God has a reason for doing this. Maybe He soaked and ruined every shabu or drug den that’s been hiding. Maybe He’s putting the fear of the Lord on the wealthy who do not seek Him (one story of a car dealer, lost MILLIONs cause all his luxury cars for sale all underwater in Balintawak avenue Quezon City.  (Cars not covered in insurance policies unless specified). I just know He has a reason. Its just the day to day living where we need his grace.

Well, thanks for reading this far. I hope I never have to write you another note like this again.

Much much thanks,
vids & pix of the devastation and our relief work here.