Why do I love the church? Because almost every good thing in my life came through the church.
– I first heard the gospel at First Presbyterian Church.
– I Got filled with the Holy Spirit at New Covenant Church.
– I met my wife and got involved in world missions at Maranatha Christian Church.
– I raised my sons at Victory.
– I get to work with my best friends at an organization called Every Nation Churches.
I thank God for the church. The organized church. Even organized churches that are a bit disorganized. And, I thank God for the the flawed churches like 1st Pres, New Covenant, Maranatha, Victory, and Every Nation that helped shape my life. They are not perfect, but that didn’t stop God from working on me through them.
The NBA used to have a commercial that featured spectacular dunks, ankle-breaking cross-overs, celebrity fans and buzzer-beaters. At the end of the commercial, players and fans would look into the camera and shout: “I LOVE THIS GAME!”
The news often shows the darker side of the NBA: drug suspensions, out-of-wedlock children, drunk driving arrests, strip club violence, etc. Some fans got so sick of the dark side that they began to vocalize their hate for the NBA, the game of basketball and all the players.
Others simply switched the channel and watched a respectable sport like wrestling.
The are many church people who are following the example of the NBA-haters and channel-switchers. Some are so offended by religious scandals that they end up criticizing and attacking everything church. Others are so sick of religious hypocrisy that they roll their eyes and switch the channel anytime church is mentioned.
Not me. I still love the Church. I love my church. And, I love the church down the street that has a different name and style. I still believe the church is or has the answer to almost every question or problem out there.
What about you? Do you still love the church?
I think God does.