I am often asked about “the keys” to church health, church strength, church growth, and why Victory is a large/strong/healthy church.

My simple answer: we got big because. . .


Here’s a breakdown of that thought:

BY GOD’S GRACE . . . God’s grace is always the starting point, the middle point, and the ending point of anything worthwhile. His grace is the power and the form, the reason, and the motive of all we do.

. . . WE . . . Success, strength, influence, growth, and anything else we hope for our church will require a united team. Victory Manila was never about me and “my ministry”—it was always and will always be about the team. I’m lucky; I get to work with the best team in the world, not just the church world, the world. I really believe that, and I’m thankful.

. . . FOCUSED . . . Doing anything and everything that can be done in the name of God is not focus. Churches, like individuals, need to find out what God wants them to do, then they need to say “no” to everything else.

. . . ON DOING ONE THING . . . We decided a long time ago that Victory would focus on four words: “Honor God. Make Disciples.” Focusing on making disciples enables us to say “no” to lots of good things that other churches do. We don’t really care if it is the “latest greatest move of God” or the next “end times strategy” or the most creative get-big-quick scheme—if it does not honor God and make disciples, we don’t do it.

. . . FOR A LONG TIME. Too many churches start out doing the right thing but quit because they get bored or because it does not cause instant growth. Weeds grow fast, but oak trees take time. Strong churches also take time. Be patient as you do the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. . .