It is one of my favorite ministry events of the year. Several leaders have said that if they could only participate in one conference, it would be this one. This annual time of prayer, fellowship, training, and strategic planning in Asia has been nicknamed APEC by our host pastor, Larry Matsuwaki of Singapore. APEC stands for Asian Pastors Equipping Conference, not to be confused with the Asia Pacific Economic Council that usually meets at the same time and hogs the headlines.

Following are some of my APEC ’05 highlights:

Praying for the nations

While I did not understand the words being prayed, I did understand the heart and passion as people cried out to God for their nations in Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Farsi, Tagalog, Thai, Burmese, Hindi, and Bangla. The blood of Christ purchased people for God from “every tribe, language, people, and nation.”


I wish you all could have been there to hear testimonies of the great things God is doing in Buddhist nations like Myanmar and Thailand, in Muslim nations like Iran and Malaysia, and especially among the Hindus in India. Everyone was glued to their chairs as our leaders in Bangladesh told of God delivering them and their forty disciples from an angry mob of 200 club-carrying radicals intent on violence. Other times, God did not deliver our leaders from violence, but kept them strong and alive in the midst of beatings. Either way, God gets the glory.

Filipino missionaries

As always, it was great to visit with our Filipino missionaries who are faithfully serving God all over this region. I am so proud of the way our missionaries are representing the Philippines, our church, and especially our Lord Jesus Christ in some of the most difficult mission fields in the world.

Singaporean food and Orchard Road lights

If you have never been to Singapore during the Christmas shopping season, then there is no way I can do it justice with mere words. No one can decorate like the Singaporeans. Millions and millions of lights. There is no place like it in the world. Then, of course, there are all my favorite restaurants. I need another week to visit them all.

Special thanks to Larry and Elaine Matsuwaki and Every Nation Singapore for being such gracious hosts.