Last night I had the privilege of introducing my good friend Rice Broocks at the official God’s Not Dead book launch.
After reading 1 Peter 3:15, I thanked Rice for living the 4 Rs and for writing a book that will help prepare the evangelistically challenged among us to live the 4 Rs.
What are these 4 Rs I speak of?
“But in your hearts REVERE Christ as Lord. Always be prepared (READY) to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the REASON for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and RESPECT.” (1 Peter 3:15)
1. REVERE. The starting point of evangelism is to have our own hearts right with God, in other words, to revere Christ as Lord.
2. READY. Once we get our hearts right, then we need to get our heads right. We need to be prepared. Trained. Equipped.
3. REASON. To get our heads right and ready, we need to understand the reasons for our hope. The God’s Not Dead subtitle explains the contents of the book: “Evidence for God in an Age of Uncertainty.” The 10 chapters explain 10 reasons a rational person should believe in God.
4. RESPECT. A right heart and a right head should result in treating people with respect as we engage them with the gospel.
Heartfelt thanks to Rice Broocks for providing such a great equipping tool.
To purchase your copy of God’s Not Dead, click HERE.