Steven Furtick’s recent blog about the ministry of gossip—“I Don’t Want To Hear It”—got me thinking about gossip. . .

The Bible says:

a gossip betrays a confidence – Proverbs 11:13

a gossip separates close friends
  – Proverbs 16:28

Why is something so clearly condemned in the Bible so accepted in church?

My quick thoughts about gossip:

– Gossip is not unique to your culture, generation, gender, educational level, social status—it strikes everywhere.

– Don’t believe everything you hear.

– If you are a gossip, don’t believe everything you say.

– Unfortunately most of us are experts at rationalizing our gossip. Some of my favs:

“I only tell my closest friends.”

“I only tell my prayer partners.”

“I thought he/she already knew.”

“I think he/she deserves to know.”

“Don’t worry, he/she will not tell anyone.”

May God help us tame our tongues so we will not betray a confidence or destroy a friendship.