There are parts of the Bible I don’t like. Sometimes I wish I could edit some verses out, or pretend they were never written. I have been wrestling with some of those verses for the past two weeks—since I read the Joseph story for the millionth time. I had never really seen it like this before. After reading and re-reading Genesis 37–50 almost daily for the past two weeks, I have been amazed, convicted and inspired by Joseph’s ability to forgive his brothers. Forgiveness—it’s one of those love/hate things. I love it when God forgives me—when he removes my sins as far as the east is from the west, when he tosses my sins to the bottom of the ocean, when he not only forgives me, but also cleanses me from all unrighteousness.
When I’m on the receiving end, I really like forgiveness. It’s a different story when I am the one sinned against, when I am offended, when I am wronged, when I am lied about, betrayed, stabbed in the back. How can he expect me to forgive people who hurt me? What if they do it repeatedly? Seven times seventy times? I am learning a new depth of forgiveness from Joseph. I have a nagging suspicion that God will allow me to get into a situation where I will have to apply what he is teaching me. Always happens. Hope I have enough word in my heart to pass the test.
Announcement: I plan to preach what I am learning about forgiveness from Joseph’s life this Sunday at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. at Victory Fort and at 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. at Victory Alabang.