Wouldn’t it be cool to have a job like those mythbuster guys—getting paid to blow stuff up? Today’s my day to bust three fasting myths:
“Just drink a lot of water, and you will feel full” – I feel seasick.
“By the 4th day you will not feel hungry” – Lie.
“You’ll be more alert and spiritually sensitive” – I’m sleepy (and cranky).
This is our annual week of consecration, prayer and fasting here at the Every Nation office in Nashville. We’re praying together three hours a day: 8:00–9:00 a.m., 12:00–1:00 p.m., and 4:00–5:00 p.m.
Some of the prayer meetings have been spine-tingling, hair-raising, supernatural moments—others have been pretty mundane and boring—most have been somewhere in btw. Whether the prayer meeting is boring or exciting to human emotions, I think God is pleased when his people meet in unity and seek him wholeheartedly.
Here are four big thoughts that hit me hard during this week of seeking God:
I am called to equip and empower missionaries and ministers who will make disciples on university campuses. I think I will give an account to God on judgment day about what I did with this call.
Most Every Nation churches do a good job reconciling blacks and whites. But being multi-ethnic is more than black and white. We also have to reach Native Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and Arabs.
I am supposed to be “clothed with humility” in my relationships with people, and I am supposed to humble myself “under God’s mighty hand.” I find it much easier to be humble in my relationship with God than in all my relationships with people. Both are important. (We did some repenting in our 8:00 a.m. prayer meeting after Eben’s word from 1 Peter 5.)
God loves me (and you) even if I completely fail at points 1, 2, and 3.
***Last year’s day 4 blog – “Hungry, Tired, Cranky” ***