My Baptist friend, Dr. Ed Stetzer (Mr. Ed as we respectfully call him) spoke to 150 of our Every Nation American pastors, campus missionaries, and church planters in Nashville 2 weeks ago. Good conf. Good message from Ed.

Here are some Ed quotes from our conf:

It is not one or the other—healthy movements have relational connectedness and missional passion.

Tools not rules—make the tools so good that everyone wants to use them.

Many desire, talk about and pray to be a church planting movement, but few will pay the price to see it happen.

Stop trying to capture the glory of your past and find God’s vision for your future.

And the # 1 Ed quote of the month:

People never change until the pain of staying the same grows greater than the pain of changing.

Click here for Ed’s blog about his 10-point “Movemental Christianity” message.