Been too busy to blog lately.
Hosted the Every Nation World Conference—EN.07—here in Manila. 14,000 participants. 2000 foreigner delegates. 43 nations. 1 mission. 1 focus.
Enjoyed the time with my friends from all over the world, but I’m glad to be back to my normal routine. I sure appreciate all the Victory volunteers who made the conference a success. Sorry if this sounds proud, but I think the people in our church are the greatest! I also thank God for our staff—you guys are simply the best!
Here is my quick 5 point summary of the conference:
1. We are called to the ends of the earth.
2. We need the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.
3. We must remember the poor.
4. We must empower the next generation.
5. “All we need is love.”
I’ll try to write a brief blog about each point in the next few days.
– All foreign guests who spent the time and money to participate.
– All our Filipino volunteers—musicians, dancers, ushers, kids ministry. . . you’re all amazing!
– God, for showing up in such a powerful way.
See you all in three years at EN.2010 . . . somewhere . . . in the mean time . . . go in to all the world, make disciples, walk in love, empower the next gen, and remember the poor.