I’m a recovering workaholic, but my friend Sam Aiyedogbon takes it to the next level. Five days in Nigeria with Sam and Grace. Wow! Didn’t know it was possible to do so much in five days.

As expected, Nigerian weather was hot, and the churches are on fire!

The Church in the rest of the world could learn a lot from the Nigerian believers. These people really know how to worship, pray, celebrate, dance, serve, laugh, and dress with the best of them.

For the first few days, I felt uncomfortable with all the honor the Nigerians pour on their spiritual leaders. I’m used to carrying my own Bible. I’m not used to personal security, reserved parking, special seating, and piles of gifts.

But after some of my Nigerian friends explained the tribal culture of honor—I decided the Church in the West could use a lesson in tribal honor.

Some spiritual leaders take this tribal honor code to a cultic level and live like little gods—but Pastor Sam and Grace bring a much-needed balance to the Church in their nation. They are honorable servant-leaders who are respected nationwide for their humility, character, and integrity.

Can’t wait to return and learn.