Sitting in the Jacksonville airport answering emails while I wait on my delayed flight back to Nashville.
Got an email from one of our Filipino preachers, a guy who has recently joined our weekend preaching rotation. (Our church has 64 weekend worship services in 14 Metro Mania locations with around 75 different preachers each month.)
The guy who emailed me is one of our better preachers. He was a bit discouraged because of a professional and persistent sermon critic who seems to analyze and complain about everything he says.
Here’s my 7-point response to my preacher friend:
1. Welcome to the pulpit! Too many Christians are called and gifted to complain and criticize preachers.
2. In my opinion your preaching is excellent, anointed, clear, focused, understandable, practical, biblical, and Christ-honoring.
3. My wife agrees with point #2.
4. More importantly, your wife agrees with point #2.
5. Remember, you minister to hundreds of people every Sunday. Most love and respect you, and most appreciate your leadership and your preaching.
6. Do not let this affect your preaching. Preach the Word. Feed the sheep. Don’t respond to your critics from the pulpit. Don’t attempt to pull up the tares, because you might uproot some wheat.
7. Forgive and forget.
Here are some more of my thoughts on preaching for preachers.