Got the following Dietrich Bonhoeffer quote and comments from my philosophical friend, Russ Austin. Thought it was worth a blog entry.

“The person who loves their dream of community will destroy community – even if their intentions are ever so earnest – but the person who loves those around them will create community.”

“This statement really spoke to me about how dangerous it is when “something replaces somebody.”  Is Spiritual Family a “thing” or a group of people God has put in my life – and keeps adding to – that I am called to love and serve?  The answer is obvious so I am not looking for the solution.  Just struck me how easy it can be to claim something without being it.  I can describe it but am I the thing described in my day-to-day function?  At least for this moment on Monday morning I am not in love with my dream of spiritual family. I do have a deep respect for each of you and I am praying for our love to grow for each other and the people we serve.”


I agree with Dietrich, and with Russ.

FYI, that’s Dietrich in pix above, not Russ.

NOTE: Urgent prayer request on my ‘accidental missionary’ blog.