Here’s part 2 of my blog series called “What is an Every Nation Church?”
My best description of why Every Nation Churches and Ministries exists and what we do:
To honor God and establish
Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, Socially Responsible
Churches and Campus ministries
In Every Nation.
What is a Christ-centered church and campus ministry?
It seems absurd to have to say that we are trying to build Christ-centered churches and campus ministries. Of course, a church should be Christ-centered. However, it is unfortunately common for churches and ministries to be centered on almost everything but Christ.
I have seen churches that are preacher-centered, personality-centered, doctrine-centered, worship style-centered, prayer meeting-centered, religious experience-centered, spiritual gift-centered, prophet-centered, profit-centered, vision-centered, building-centered, political agenda-centered. . .
Many mega-churches in my city (Manila) are known, not by the church name, but by the name of their bigger-than-life mega-leader-Brother Bill’s church, Pastor Peter’s church, Dr. Dan’s church, Bishop Bong’s church.
Here’s what Paul said about this idea of being Christ-centered:
“He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.” (Colossians 1:17,18)
Ultimately, Every Nation exists to honor God and point people to Christ—not for a man, doctrine, or experience to take center stage.
Does Christ have the SUPREMACY in your life, ministry, and church?