Hearing from God through His People

Hearing from God through His People

As spiritual leaders, we must be able to hear and listen to the voice of God. Some of us hear from God directly, and some tend to hear God through other people. If we want to think and act like leaders, we must be open to hearing the voice of God no matter how he...
Leading in Pain

Leading in Pain

When it comes to spiritual leadership, there are added pressures that may not be present in other types of leadership. Ministry is a fulfilling calling, but it’s not easy. Sometimes, we have to lead in painful situations along the way.In 1 Samuel 30, David was faced...
Run to God

Run to God

Spiritual leadership is not always comfortable or easy. In times when we are unjustly attacked verbally, what should we do? Numbers 21 gives us an answer through Moses’ leadership example. Moses found himself in a difficult situation where he was unjustly spoken...
The Holiness and Mercy of God

The Holiness and Mercy of God

As spiritual leaders, we come across biblical truths that are seemingly opposite concepts when really they work hand in hand, two of which we find in Leviticus 16. The tendency is to embrace one and ignore the other, but as a spiritual leader, we need to learn how to...
Choosing God’s Presence

Choosing God’s Presence

Life is about the choices we make and the consequences of those choices. Too often, leaders inadvertently choose God’s promises, protection, and provision while excluding his presence. In Exodus 33, Moses shows us that no amount of Abrahamic promises, angelic...
Set Apart for Discipleship

Set Apart for Discipleship

Today, I want to talk about being set apart for discipleship. When we think about being set apart, several questions come up: Set apart for what? Set apart based on what? Set apart by whom?In Matthew 4, Jesus addresses those questions when he calls his disciples and...