Poisoned by Bitterness

Poisoned by Bitterness

While reading Acts 8 recently during my morning devotions, I was reminded of the destructive power of bitterness. As I pondered the metaphor Luke chose to describe bitterness—poison—I immediately paused to search my heart to make sure I had not allowed the “poison of...
Three Ways to Fight Fear

Three Ways to Fight Fear

Fear is everywhere. There is always something about fear that is attacking and approaching and tempting leaders. As I was reading Psalm 27, a familiar passage that most pastors and leaders know, I saw something brand new (to me, at least); three ways spiritual leaders...
A Description of Leadership

A Description of Leadership

We can see leadership lessons all around us, from professional athletes to politicians to church leaders. Unfortunately, leaders can lead in a way that reverses greatness and causes damage—we even see this in scripture. However, scripture also has many examples of...
Discussing Asbury

Discussing Asbury

In the past three weeks, I have had multiple Zoom calls with Every Nation pastors and leaders around the world. Several global leaders have asked about my thoughts regarding the Asbury University Awakening.Last week, I sat down with two of our Every Nation Campus...
How Wise Leaders Face Opposition

How Wise Leaders Face Opposition

Every leader, at some point, will feel like there are countless voices pushing one direction while the call of God pushes the opposite direction. As spiritual leaders, how should we deal with opposition and opposing voices?In Psalm 3, David talks about the contrast...
In One Place

In One Place

As we prepare to gather together for the 2023 Go Conference in Cape Town, South Africa, I am reminded of Acts 2. There is something special about being physically together in one place. When devout people from every nation come together, God can show up in powerful...