5 Books That Influenced How I Do Church

5 Books That Influenced How I Do Church

Some famous and important person once said: “leaders are readers”. Or was it, “readers are leaders.” Whatever. The point is that if we want to be good leaders, then we probably should read more than the sports page and the dessert menu. Here are the top 5 books that...
IMT, Live from Malaysia

IMT, Live from Malaysia

I’m now sitting in Board Room #1 on the 4th floor of the JW Marriot in KL, Malaysia, in the shadow of Petronas Tower, the tallest twin towers in the world. It’s our quarterly Every Nation Asian International Ministry Team (IMT) meeting. Leaders from Japan,...
Still Amazed by His Love

Still Amazed by His Love

Sitting in a room in Hawaii with about 40 ministry leaders from all over the world. The International Apostolic Leadership Summit. Indonesian pastors on my left. David and Cathy Cannistraci on my right. My Canadian friends Mel and Heather Mullen are directly across...
Still Amazed by His Love

Remember the Poor

Last night I made a Christmas memory I hope I never forget. I went with my 18 and 16 year old sons to a Christmas party for about 400 “at risk youth” and their families. It was sponsored by Nashville’s Youth Life Learning Center and included kids and staff from all...
Still Amazed by His Love

APEC ’06

Iranians, Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Malaysians, Mongolians, Filipinos, Samoans, Kiwis, Bengalis, and Burmese. 280 pastors from 28 nations. Our annual Asian Pastors’ Equipping Conference was held in Manila for the first time two weeks ago. We decided to give...
Still Amazed by His Love

“No Arms, No Legs, No Problem”

I met a fascinating man in South Africa last week. I had visited his website several times. I never order stuff online, but I couldn’t resist this one, so I ordered his DVD and watched it with my family just before flying from Manila to the States last month. Nick is...