Been too busy to blog lately. Hosted the Every Nation World Conference—EN.07—here in Manila. 14,000 participants. 2000 foreigner delegates. 43 nations. 1 mission. 1 focus. Enjoyed the time with my friends from all over the world, but I’m glad to be back to my normal...
I’m not much of a mystic. And, I’m not convinced that we are on “the edge of the greatest revival in the history of the world” or “America’s 3rdGreat Awakening” or “the end of the end of the age” or anything else with apocalyptic or hyperbolic implications. I am more...
In my last reluctant leader blog I promised one more Ed quote. (That would be Dr Dr Ed Stetzer, church planting guru extraordinaire.) Here it is: “Good ideas don’t come from the center, but from the periphery. Good leaders listen to and pull ideas from the periphery...
I love to learn. And that’s a good thing, because there is so much I don’t know. I was fortunate today to be able to learn from one of the best. When it comes to church planting in North America, the best would be Dr Dr Ed Stetzer. (Is it Dr Dr or is it double...
It was one of those events where we laughed and cried—happy and sad at the same time. Relationships and transitions will do that to the best of us. It was a farewell lunch for Sam Hawkins, who has faithfully served as Every Nation‘s missions director for the past...
When I was a new believer, I was mesmerized by what I mistakenly thought was DEEP preaching. I remember listening in awe to sermons with OT symbolism and NT mysticism. Anything allegorical, esoteric, or eschatological got me excited, even if I had no clue what the guy...