Creating & Killing Christian Community

Creating & Killing Christian Community

Got the following Dietrich Bonhoeffer quote and comments from my philosophical friend, Russ Austin. Thought it was worth a blog entry.THE BONHOEFFER QUOTE:“The person who loves their dream of community will destroy community – even if their intentions are ever so...
What Is an Apostolic Team?

What Is an Apostolic Team?

I can’t speak for other movements, but as an Every Nation leader, here’s what I mean when I say apostolic team: “a team of mature and gifted leaders who work together to help grow, guide, and govern a movement of churches and ministries.” Yep, I made that up. And, I...
What Is an Apostolic Team?


Steven Furtick’s recent blog about the ministry of gossip—“I Don’t Want To Hear It”—got me thinking about gossip. . . The Bible says: a gossip betrays a confidence – Proverbs 11:13a gossip separates close friends  – Proverbs 16:28 Why is something so clearly condemned...
What Is an Apostolic Team?

What Is an Every Nation Church (Part IV: Socially Responsible)

Every Nation Churches and Ministries exists to. . . Honor God and EstablishChrist-centered, Spirit-empowered, Socially ResponsibleChurches and Campus ministriesIn Every Nation What does a “socially responsible” church or campus ministry look like? First of all it...
What Is an Apostolic Team?

What Is an Every Nation Church (Part III: Spirit-empowered)

Here’s part 3 of my blog about what an Every Nation church or campus ministry is supposed to look like. In summary and review, Every Nation Churches and Ministries exists to. . . Honor God and EstablishChrist-centered, Spirit-empowered, Socially ResponsibleChurches...
What Is an Apostolic Team?

What Is an Every Nation Church (Part II: Christ-centered)

This is the long-ago promised continuation of this blog about what an Every Nation church is supposed to look like. (I’ve been traveling way too much lately—so my blogging has been less than consistent.) Here’s my best description of why Every Nation Churches and...