When did being busy become an aspirational value for Christians? I am not sure being busy is something to brag about, but many of us wear it as a badge of honor constantly boasting about our bloated schedules as if “thou shalt always be busy” was the 11th commandment....
Church leaders could learn a lot from Home Depot. Every year top HD executives leave their comfortable corporate offices, put on the orange apron, and walk the aisles helping customers find BBQ grills, toilet seats, and paintbrushes. By personally experiencing their...
After church in KL last Sunday, one of the Malaysian pastors asked me: “After so many years in ministry what is THE TOP LIFE LESSON you have learned?” I can’t remember how I answered that question on the spot, but I thought about it the rest of the day, and while I...
I recently talked to the pastor of a small church with a big building decision. His church growth flat-lined years ago and has even shrunk a bit lately. He needs to move the church to a better location, but the new facility might not be available in the exact time...
While reading Acts 8 this morning, I read something I wish modern preachers would say more often. The story revolves around three characters: 1. SIMON– a sorcerer who “boasted he was someone great”– nickname: “the Great Power of God” (probably nicknamed himself)– had...
Spoiler alert: I’m preaching Victory’s “Kingdom Stories” series part III at Victory Fort tomorrow at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Text: Matthew 20:1–16. (The poorly named Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard) Main Point: “The Kingdom of Heaven is about Who He is, Not about...