Three Controversial but Important Topics We Must Address

Three Controversial but Important Topics We Must Address

Pastors and ministers have countless topics to address and an unending stream of questions to answer, but none are as important in 2012 as these: 1. The Exclusivity of Christ – Are all religions equal? Are there many paths to God? Or is Jesus the only way to God as...
Three Controversial but Important Topics We Must Address

No One Wants to Follow a Slave Driver Leader

While reading Exodus on my recent Manila to China flight, I scribbled some notes contrasting the leadership styles of Moses and Pharaoh. Here’s how Moses led:1. Moses called God’s people to a “festival” which is like a party. Good leaders know how to mix work and fun....
Three Controversial but Important Topics We Must Address

My Job as a Preacher Just Got Simpler

While reading a familiar scripture this morning, I think my job as a teacher/preacher just got clearer and simpler. “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say...
Three Controversial but Important Topics We Must Address

Self-Absorbed Leaders

Self-absorbed leaders cannot build multi-generational ministries or businesses. In fact, they repel potential next-generation leaders. The ancient prophet Isaiah tells a sad story about a self-absorbed one-generation-wonder named Hezekiah. In many ways, Hezekiah was a...
Three Controversial but Important Topics We Must Address

I Have Accomplished Nothing

Some of you reading this blog are in the process of becoming successful. Some are already successful. Others are . . . VERY successful. Think with me for a minute about some of your accomplishments. From the sandlot to the board room. From kindergarten to grad school....
Three Controversial but Important Topics We Must Address

Are You Serving God the Old Way or the New Way?

There are basically two ways to serve God: 1. “The Old Way of the Written Code” (Human effort, good works, religious duty) 2. “The New Way of the Spirit” (Grace, faith, power of the Holy Spirit) Paul, a very religious man, finally figured out he had spent his entire...